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The modern Lifestyle brings great ease to us all. We don’t have to work for building our shelter: builders do that, we don’t have to farm for our products: farmers do that, and lastly, we don’t have to cook for ourselves: fast food has goods that covered. Alongside ease has come the growing concern of health in the 21st century. This ease has made us sedentary and stale. Our nutrition doesn’t contain enough macro or micronutrients and many of them are high in sugar and trans-fat. So, is this the fault of easy times, or a fault of our own?

The answer to the above question is complex. Surely, societal growth is necessary, but unless we check its influence on us, we would be mindless bots controlled by it. Society will progress with or without us, but our tradition and body care come first. The stop marker of when the influence has increased to a grand level is put by ‘You’.

Many of our clients who face Hair Loss always say, oh we don’t know how it happened? We were living a very simple life, and suddenly this started. There is an answer to that, an answer that is 80% right: It’s you. You are the major cause of Hair Loss. We cause Hair Loss by not focusing on the fundamentals of it. We forget that Hair Care is very necessary to ensure the best hair health. We forget that regularly doing several Hair Care tips will prolong our hair life. But, before that, we need to understand what we do wrong. Some of these are:

1. Bad Diet: The worst thing and the first thing we impose on our body is a bad diet. We eat food high in carbohydrates, which transform into sugar and then into excess fat. Although the procedure isn’t this simple, overeating carbohydrates will do this to you for sure. A bad diet also includes eating oily, fried food that contains high trans-fat that increases your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. All these foods translate to your being overweight, which causes an increase in estrogen. Estrogen levels high mean your testosterone will go down. Testosterone reduction is the major cause of hair loss. Change your diet, save hair. There are some things in life one can’t control, this you can. 

2. Less/No Exercise: Exercising improves not just your fitness levels, but ensures that you live a long and healthy life. It is an investment for better future health. Sadly, we think exercises are overrated, or perhaps we don’t need them as our parents or grandparents never did that, but they are healthy and strong. No, they are healthy because they walked a lot and lived a hard life, they didn’t sit on their bums acting like one. We need to move ahead from myths and accept exercise. Good exercises ensure better body health and that ensures the best Hair health. And don’t think that just lifting weights is an exercise, no plain walking or any physical movement is an exercise. 

3. Less time for Hair Care: Hair Care should never take longer than 50 minutes per week. That includes: 15 minutes shampoo, 20 mins dry rub by your fingertips in 2 min sessions every alternate day, and lastly 20 mins of oil application. These are not to be done daily, but in a week. Choosing the day you can best give to Hair Care, and that care will help save you from hair fall. Hair Care doesn’t take long, accepting this knowledge does. 

4. Noticing Hair Loss but thinking it’s normal: Eh, it’s just 15 hair strands, I lost. Ha! People say it is normal to lose 100 strands a day. But, remember you lost 15 strands in one go and that is while showering. This isn’t normal, it could be, but generally, it is an onset of Hair loss. So, what to do? Taking proactive actions requires more strength than overthinking and then not taking any action. So, even if you notice small changes, immediately learn the cause, or monitor it for at least a month to see where it goes, or if it grows. Hair Loss is a serious issue and your HairMates take it very seriously, we don’t dance around the fact that hair loss doesn’t affect or if it severely affects, we directly attack hair loss, then repair the lost strands, and in the process your self-confidence. So, be confident and take the first step for the best Hair to your HairMates house today.

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